


Contribute to Social Change

Every dollar helps us mobilize our programs forward, expand our reach, and deepen our impact.

All donations are tax-deductible, and anonymous donations are available.


Causes we support:

We accept donations for our organization under the Idaho Coalition General Fund. We are the fiscal sponsor for the organizations listed below too, allowing us to accept donations for the orgs supported through our fiscal sponsorship.

Select a cause, then scroll down to fill out your donation information:

Idaho Coalition General Fund
Support our work in creating safer communities and advocating for survivors of gender-based violence.

Add the Words
This fiscally-sponsored project offers educational outreach and organizing focused on gender and queer justice.

Black Liberation Collective
This fiscally-sponsored project is a collective of Black TGNC youth who provide culturally-specific resources.

Peques Nature Club
This fiscally-sponsored project creates child-guided, bilingual meetups for Treasure Valley Latinx families.

PODER of Idaho
This fiscally-sponsored project creates programs unique to Idaho’s Undocumented and Latinx community.

W/Rest Collective
This fiscally-sponsored project gathers movement-oriented lawyers to support with beloved community.

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