

Illustration by Favianna Rodriguez

Stalking is a pattern of behavior directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to fear for the person’s safety or the safety of others; or suffer substantial emotional distress. Stalking is a traumatic experience that interrupts the lives and affects the relationships with other people, the wellness of every aspect of our being (emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical), and our work and home life. 

What Service Providers Need to Know

Service providers play a vital role in the intervention and response to stalking. We encourage service providers to use the resources below in their work with victims of stalking.

SPARC is a national technical assistance provider that provides tools for advocates training and is victim-centered, research informed, and practice based. The following resources can assist you in your work with stalking victims:

Civil Protection Orders and Criminal No Contact Orders

Civil protection orders are available under Idaho law for stalking under the Idaho Civil Protection Order for Malicious Harassment law. While Protective Orders are very effective for many people, they are not a good option for everyone.

Advocates can support survivors in deciding if they want file for a civil protection order. There is no cost to file a petition for a protection order and there is no need for an attorney. The paperwork for a civil protection order is available at your local court clerk’s office or online through an interactive form process available on Idaho Guide & File website or PDF fillable PDF forms.

Learn more about Idaho Civil Protection Orders here or contact the Idaho Legal Aid Services Domestic Violence Advice Line at 1-877-500-2980.

If there is an ongoing criminal case, the judge will usually sign a criminal no contact order requiring that the person using the violence (the defendant in a case) to stay away from and not harass the person who experienced sexual violence. Those with an order in place can ask the court to change or remove it. NCOs are only in place while a case is ongoing (so if the charges are dropped, the order will be dropped too).

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