Teen Dating Violence

Teen Dating Violence

February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month:

Check out our new Love Languages brochure to learn about practicing healthy relationships built on mutual respect, created by youth and for youth.

Did you display and distribute our Love Languages materials? If so, enter our raffle: win $250.00 for your school or organization!

Enter to win $250.00

Love Languages in Healthy Relationships

Teen Dating Violence (commonly called TDV) is a pattern of abusive behaviors used to gain power and control in a relationship. It can include physical, emotional, verbal, sexual, and digital abuse, but TDV isn’t always easy to identify or address because many people don’t know the signs or have the resources to interrupt violence. Despite its deep impact and prevalence, many young people are left without the support and tools they need to practice healthy relationships.

We uplift our 2025 campaign, a brochure called Love Languages in Healthy Relationships, as a way to explore love languages beyond the commonly-known (but not always healthy) examples like physical touch or receiving gifts. Instead, we share information on 7 love languages like healthy boundaries or accountability. Check out our new Love Languages brochure to learn about the 7 facets of healthy relationships.

Why are love languages important?

By talking openly about Teen Dating Violence and fostering an understanding of healthy and respectful relationships as a love language, we can empower young people to prioritize open communication, authenticity, and more. Understanding love languages and other dimensions of healthy relationships is essential for creating a future where everyone can access safety and thriving.

Love Languages in Healthy Relationships:
Facilitator’s Activities and Discussion Guide

Our 2025 campaign builds from our previous resources, including a guide we created for facilitators to share information with youth about love languages in healthy relationships and the services that are available in our communities. This guide can help us plant seeds for healthy relationships across the state.

We encourage individuals to go through this acitivty book with an Idaho community advocate with a teen dating violence program. Not sure what program is closest to you? Check out our Get Help page.

Join Our Upcoming Institute

We’re hosting the Effective Youth Advocacy Institute as part of our movement to prevent teen dating violence:

On behalf of the Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) and the Rural Teen Dating Violence TA team, we would like to
welcome you to our upcoming event. The Youth Advocacy Institute will take place in Boise, ID on February 26th and 27th,
2025. Register today!

Institute Overview:

  • This interactive 1.5 day training is tailored for rural service providers and preventionists.
  • Our institute emphasizes the importance of inclusive programming, specifically focusing on integrating all youth in prevention
    programming, including youth from historically marginalized communities who experience disproportionate rates of teen
    dating violence.
  • Participants can expect to build strong connections and networks with other youth serving preventionists while learning how
    to incorporate engagement methods like play, appreciation rituals, and reflection.

Our Institute is offered at no cost.

Questions? Please feel invited to email Bibiana for support at [email protected]


More Youth Resources

Get Help

Find an advocate near you: IdahoCoalition.org/Get-Help

National Sexual Assault Hotline
1-800-656-4673 or chat online at online.rainn.org
Get help and referrals from advocates.
Trevor Lifeline (for LGBTQ youth)
1-866-488-7386—Crisis intervention and suicide prevention for LGBTQ youth.
National Runaway Safeline
1-800-786-2929—Confidential support.
National Street Harassment Hotline
1-855-897-5910—Support, advice, and legal resources information.
Know Your IX
www.KnowYourIX.org—Information for individuals who have experienced sexual harassment or sexual assault

What Service Providers Need to Know

Training and Technical Assistance

As an OVW Technical Assistance provider for rural grantees on the prevention and response to teen dating violence, the Idaho Coalition is
available for technical assistance support and virtual or in person workshops, or plenary presentations.

Along with Idaho Coalition staff, our Advisory Team comprised of Jessica Moreno, LCSW, Collective Capacity Consulting LLC; Rita Flores,
Collective Capacity Consulting LLC; Tracy Wright, North Carolina Coalition Against Sexual Assault, and Maria Limon, Maria Limon
Consulting are able to provide technical assistance and support.

If you need additional information, schedule a meeting, or request a training, please email Bibiana Ortiz at
[email protected].

Resources for Service Providers





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