Sexual Assault

Sexual Assault

Illustration by Favianna Rodriguez

Sexual assault includes any touching or contact of a sexual nature that we did not want or was done without our affirmative consent. Affirmative consent is knowingly, voluntarily, and mutually deciding to engage in sexual activity. We can give consent by words or actions, as long as our words or actions give our clear permission and willingness to engage in sexual activity.

If you are experiencing sexual assault or someone you know is, click here  to learn about Idaho community and tribal domestic violence program advocacy services.

What Service Providers Need to Know


Advocates need to be aware of common privacy issues that impact victims of sexual assault and laws that affect victims’ privacy rights. Depending on the facts of a specific case, such as a victim’s age or occupation, there may be additional laws that expand or limit a victim’s privacy. For more information refer to Idaho FAQs: Privacy Laws Impacting Survivors or contact the Idaho Coalition at [email protected].


Mandatory Reporting

Advocates are required by Idaho law to report crimes like assault or rape when the person is under 18. If the survivor is over 18 and considered a vulnerable adult under the law, certain professionals also have an obligation to report any disclosed abuse. For more information refer to Idaho Minor’s Frequently Asked Questions or contact the Idaho Coalition at [email protected].


Legal Advocacy

Advocates can help survivors stay safely in — or safely leave — their homes, schools, or jobs, protect their privacy, and more. Advocates can support survivor-autonomy by providing information about the legal system and Idaho Crime Victim’s Rights.


Civil Legal Services Youth & Young Adults

The Idaho Coalition can provide free civil legal representation to youth and young adults who have experienced sexual assault. Click here for the types of legal issues that might impact a youth or young adult survivor of sexual assault. Contact [email protected] for more information.

Civil Protection Orders and Criminal No Contact Order

Civil protection orders are available under Idaho law for sexual assault survivors who are in an intimate partner relationship. While Protective Orders are very effective for many people, they are not a good option for everyone.

Advocates can support survivors in deciding if they want file for a civil protection order. There is no cost to file a petition for a protection order and there is no need for an attorney. The paperwork for a civil protection order is available at your local court clerk’s office or online through an interactive form process available on Idaho Guide & File website or PDF fillable PDF forms.

The Idaho Legal Aid Services Domestic Violence Advice Line is also a resource available to help understand civil protection orders—1-877-500-2980.

If there is an ongoing criminal case, the judge will usually sign a criminal no contact order requiring that the person using the violence (the defendant in a case) to stay away from and not harass the person who experienced sexual violence. Those with an order in place can ask the court to change or remove it. NCOs are only in place while a case is ongoing (so if the charges are dropped, the order will be dropped too).

Idaho Coordinated Response to Domestic and Sexual Violence

The Idaho Coordinated Response to Domestic & Sexual Violence is a state-level group from criminal justice systems and community organizations connected to historicallymarginalized communities, who worked to improve the criminal justice response to domestic and sexual violence by centering solutions on historically marginalized communities and explore innovative solutions with, and beyond, the criminal legal system. The group created Thriving Communities: A Guide to Centering Community Voices in Solutions to Violence to guide local coordinated community response teams.

Service Provider Resources

Idaho Coalition Publications

Download or Order

Healing from Sexual Assault Handbook

Healing from Sexual Assault Handbook – Spanish (Sanando de la Violencia Doméstica)

Healing from Sexual Assault Handbook – Arabic

Healing from Sexual Assault Handbook – Swahili

2023 Sexual Violence Fact Sheet

Survivors – Get Help

National Sexual Assault Hotline:

1-800-656-4673—Free, bilingual (English/Spanish) or chat online at—Get help and referrals from advocates.

National Runaway Safeline:

1-800-786-2929—Confidential support.

National Street Harassment Hotline:

1-855-897-5910—Support, advice, and legal resources information.

Anti-Violence Project (LGBTQ):

212-714-1141—Free, bilingual (English/Spanish), 24-hour, 365-day-a-year crisis intervention and support to LGBTQ and HIV-affected survivors of any type of violence.

Trevor Lifeline (for LGBTQ* youth):

1-866-488-7386—Crisis intervention and suicide prevention for LGBTQ youth.

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