Minimum Order: Pack of 15
(Idaho orders only)
This handbook provides information about domestic violence and the services that are available in our communities. We encourage individuals to go through this handbook with an Idaho community advocate with a domestic violence program.
Table of Contents:
4 Introduction
5 Where There Is Breath, There Is Life
6 Where There Is life, There Is Hope
7 Practice Daily Self Care
8 What Is Domestic Violence?
9 Patterns of Power & Control
10 Common Abusive Tactics or Behaviors
12 Specific Communities
17 Choices About Our Safety
18 Risk of Dangerousness of Future Harm
19 Our Families
21 Our Housing Needs
23 Choices on Civil & Criminal Orders of Protection
25 Service Providers in Our Communities
26 Services at our Domestic Violence Programs
28 Why Gender Violence Happens
30 Towards Thriving
32 Glossary
33 National Hotlines
34 Idaho Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Programs Help-line Numbers
Designed to be distributed to Idaho domestic and sexual violence programs, community advocates, and organizations and companies who work with individuals experiencing violence.
Order materials online to be shipped or download, print, and distribute in your Idaho community today.
Shipping not included.
Size: 5 x 5″ in