2018 Domestic Violence Handbook for Latinx Survivors (English)


2018 Domestic Violence Handbook for Latinx Survivors (English)


Designed to be distributed to domestic and sexual violence programs, community advocates, and organizations and companies who work with Latinx individuals experiencing violence.

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SKU: 2018-Idaho-Latinx-TF-Handbook-English Categories: , Tags: , ,

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This handbook provides a foundation for recommendations to improve the experience of Latinx parents and their children in seeking help for domestic violence. We encourage individuals to go through this handbook with an advocate with a community or tribal domestic violence program, in partnership with a trusted community organization.

Table of Contents:
4 Breath, Life and Hope
6 What is Domestic Violence
7 Personal, Cultural and Structural Identities that Shape Survivors’ Experience
8 Power and Control Wheel
9 Forms of Domestic Violence that Latina and/or Immigrant Women Experience
11 Safety Strategies
12 Domestic Violence and Latino Families
16 Housing Needs
18 Legal Remedies and Options for Immigrant Survivors
19 Civil and Criminal Orders of Protection
20 Overview of Service Providers
21 Overview of Domestic Violence Program Services
22 Why Gender Violence Happens
24 Towards Liberation
25 Glossary
26 Hotline Numbers and National Resources
28 Idaho Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Programs
30 Idaho Spanish-Speaking Community Non-Profits

Designed to be distributed to domestic and sexual violence programs, community advocates, and organizations and companies who work with Latinx individuals experiencing violence.

Order materials online to be shipped or download, print, and distribute in your community today.

Size: 5 x 5″ in
HHS Specialized Approved: 2018

Weight 15.2 oz
Dimensions 5 × 1.75 × 5 in
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