2018 Latinx Thriving Families Poster Series (English)


2018 Latinx Thriving Families Poster Series (English)


SKU: 2018-Idaho-Latinx-TF-Posters-English Categories: , Tags: , ,

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Minimum Order: Set of 6

The Latinx Thriving Families campaign poster series demonstrates six themes and values that were identified by Latinx survivors from across the state that feature resilience, family, healing, community, cultural pride, and safety.

The poster illustrations have been created with an eye towards honoring Latinx culture and heritage and features captivating imagery cultivated by nationally acclaimed artist and activist Favianna Rodriguez, whose name you might recognize as Ben & Jerry’s new ‘Pecan Resist’ ice cream flavor, featuring Rodriguez’s artwork.

Order posters series online shown in above preview (or download, print and distribute in your community today (immediate download sent by email).

Size: 12.00 x 17.00″
HHS Specialized Approved: 2018

Weight 8 oz
Dimensions 17 × 12 × .125 in
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