Ampliando la Serie de Carteles de Promoción – Amplifying Advocacy Poster Series (Spanish)


Ampliando la Serie de Carteles de Promoción – Amplifying Advocacy Poster Series (Spanish)


Minimum Order: Set of 20 (English) or 8 (Spanish)

Idaho tribal and community advocates and program advocates across the state uplift the critical roles that advocates play in interrupting harm. Posters are meant to be distributed throughout the community to raise awareness of the life-affirming role that advocates energize.

SKU: Amplifying-Advocacy-Poster-Series-Spanish Categories: , Tags: , , , ,

Vista previa de carteles

Minimum Order: Set of 20 (English) or 8 (Spanish)

Idaho tribal and community advocates and program advocates across the state uplift the critical roles that advocates play in interrupting harm. Posters are meant to be distributed throughout the community to raise awareness of the life-affirming role that advocates energize. Order materials online to be delivered or download, print and distribute in your community today.

These posters are Spanish-language.

Size: 12.00″ x 17.00″
OVW Approved: 2022

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